Emotional Health:🤎


Why is Your Emotional Health Important?

When the term emotional health is used, most people automatically think about the word love. And while love is an important concept (because we know that God is love, 1 John 4:7-9) and shows us how emotional health and spiritual health are inter-connected. And not to make this a page all about spiritual health, but if you came to this page for informational on love, the first place I would encourage you to start is the Bible and study Gods’ character.

Other points of emphasis for emotional health include (and not limited to): your awareness of your mood, your ability to cope with positive & negative feelings, the relationship with your self-esteem, and outlook on life. For example, have you ever gone through a break-up and wanted some salty like chips or sweet like ice cream and cake? Well that is your bodies way of say ‘emotionally you are upset and if you eat that, physically I will feel better because I will release serotonin (a mood stabilizing hormone)’. The same is true for the opposite example, have you ever been in a new relationship and felt the “butterflies” or nervous/shy around that person? That is your body releasing oxytocin (the love hormone). To learn more about how to tap into your feel good hormones, please book an appointment.

All that to say, although emotional health is often looked over as a facet of wellness, you can see that our emotional health can drive decision making and how we feel. Understanding what makes you upset, joyful, nervous, etc is important so that you can identify strategies that work for you to return an even state of emotion.

Emotional Health Resources:

Available Online -


Spiritual Health: John 4:7-21


Financial Health: Big Money… I Like That